
Studentenprotest aan UGent, mei 2024; SVM

VUB Palestine Solidarity Network statement on disciplinary action taken against VUB students*
3 minutes

Dear Rector Danckaert and Professor Buts,

It has come to our attention that you have initiated a formal disciplinary proceeding against two VUB students regarding their involvement in a peaceful protest at the VUB campus on June 27, 2024, particularly related to their questioning of a Flemish member of the Parliament about his party's support for Israel. We understand that a disciplinary meeting about this is planned for December 20, 2024. 

We regret to see the VUB treating a critical action by students in this way, thus contradicting the ideals of free speech and the values of free inquiry that the university claims to uphold and which are key to our entire academic community. Starting disciplinary proceedings against students who are actively reflecting and engaging with their university by demanding accountability for its stated ethical values and principles, is, in our view, incompatible with said values.

Since the start of Israel's war against Palestine, Palestinians, and anti-Zionists, which has been recognized as a genocide by Amnesty International and many others, countless citizens worldwide have been pleading for their governments to cut ties with Israel and impose sanctions. The call for an academic boycott and sanctions by our Flemish and national governments is part of this broad, democratic campaign and we should not discipline students for participating in it. 

The action that led to disciplinary proceedings against the students included accompanying an MP from the Flemish N-VA party on and off campus, chanting slogans, and addressing him about his responsibilities as a political representative. The action did not endanger or harm anyone, and the students maintained a physical distance from the MP. Consequently, there is no justified basis for suspending these students, particularly since the broader student group ‘Encampment VUB’ had already publicly apologized in June if their action had offended the MP.

Additionally, the presence of a politician on the university campus at a staff event, attending the event with, and seated alongside, the rector of our university cannot be considered a neutral or informal occasion. Thus, calling out the university leadership and a political figure on this occasion cannot be considered an invasion of privacy or a hindering of the university’s functions. On the contrary, individuals representing powerful institutions can and should be considered in accordance with these respective professional functions, for which they can be held accountable and questioned on campus.

We are sure that you believe that students have the right to express their disagreements with university policy, political parties, politicians, or all of the above. This disciplinary procedure, however, sends the complete opposite signal, to VUB students, staff, the academic community and the general public. This is a concerning precedent, as no other Flemish university has taken such measures in this context. Furthermore, it is difficult to understand why the VUB would start to criminalize protest, given its previous communications emphasizing support for student-led actions advocating for peace. It represents a criminalization of dissent and free expression, which will serve to discourage engaged students from speaking out and contributing meaningfully to the life of educational institutions – spaces that should cultivate critical thinking and active engagement with both their immediate environment and the world.

We urge you and the university to demonstrate your commitment to the values of free speech and the students’ right to participate in open and honest dialogue without fear of repercussions. We therefore ask you to reconsider these proceedings and stop all disciplinary action taken against the two students. 

The impacts of the disciplinary actions on the students are utterly disproportionate and unjust. The students involved face the risk of a year's suspension, exclusion from exams and summons while preparing for exams, as well as bearing the personal costs for legal assistance and representation as a result of being sued by the university. We call on the university to redirect these efforts toward those actively involved in funding and supporting genocide, using institutional pressure where it is most needed.


VUB Palestine Solidarity Network

(This open letter currently has 298 signatories.)


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