Which perspective for the peace movement in 2010?
3 minutes

Discussion paper at the occasion of 60 years peace movement in Belgium
introduced bij Jean Verstappen (Rencontres pour la Paix)
European Parliament november 17, 2009

After World War II we lived during more than 40 years in a bipolar world, that changed after the end of the cold war into a unipolar world under US hegemony. Now we see emerge a polycentric world with globalised and interdependent markets.

These markets get oriented towards two competing strategies. One is dominated by financial and industrial groups which decide over the policy of countries they control, while keeping up appearances of total democracy. The other strategy concerns political leaders and organisations that control the financial streams and regulate their markets.

To these two strategies correspond two groups of countries. On the one hand the United States and het NATO countries, on the other the Shanghai group, the BRIC countries and other non allied countries.
The fist group is about the trans Atlantic bloc including Central-Asia and Africa. In the economic field these countries follow an ultra liberal policy of deregulation and privatisation that is joined by a militarisation of het main nevralgic centres of the world as the Middle East, Central Asia and the Central African region. This policy has led to a generalised deep crisis and a dangerous level of structural debt.
The second group follows a strategy of political, economic and social multipolarity in a non militarised perspective. These countries know a steady growth, have little or no debts and posses important stocks of foreign currencies they invest in Europe or the United States. Part of their financial reserves is used for developing their internal market. Their policy tend to a protection of the general intrest against het intrest of private predators, via economic and financial control and regulation.

These two groups of countries with contradicting strategies compete directly over access to the exploitation of the natural resources of our planet. A good understanding of this competition between the two opposing strategies in this globalised market is of fundamental importance. Will this competition be addressed peacefully or wil it evolve to more militarisation through a uncontrolled and uncontrollable Atlantism?

The present evolutions seem to point towards a worsening of the financial and social problems inside the Atlantic bloc and its extensions. Will the strategy of political, economic, social, non-miliatry multipolarity make collapse the Atlantic militarised ultraliberalism?
This would be a real disaster for mankind.
The sole answer to such a future is the construction of an independent European pool with an a defensive defense of its own, that searches for cooperation and partnership with the emerging countries in perspective of world stability.

Can the peace movement make such a perspective its own and grow to much more than an anti war movement?




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