Resist NATO - Europe

NATO operates as a US-led military alliance central to imperialist wars and occupations that have caused the deaths and displacement of millions worldwide. NATO’s strategy of expansionism, as demonstrated by its proxy involvement in Ukraine, intensifies conflicts and inter-imperialist rivalries while advancing U.S. geopolitical interests at the expense of global peace. NATO’s collaboration with non-member states through programs like the Mediterranean Dialogue, Partnership for Peace, and Istanbul Cooperation Initiative extends its militaristic agenda. These partnerships, including those with the Israeli government, further enable systemic violence, such as Israel's human rights abuses and ongoing genocide in Palestine. By prioritizing militarization and increased military spending, NATO undermines global stability, exacerbates inequalities, and diverts resources away from vital public services.

This event will focus on organizing collective actions leading up to the NATO Summit in The Hague on June 24–25, 2025. It will also serve as a platform to discuss NATO’s role in fueling imperialist wars, expanding militarization, and undermining democratic rights. The discussions will explore pathways to support the right of peoples and nations to resist imperialist aggression, establish self-determination, and uphold their sovereignty.

Registration here.

Resist NATO




De NAVO vormt een voortdurende motor voor militarisering. De wereld heeft echter nood aan niet-militaire oplossingen en een versterking van competente internationale platforms voor conflictoplossing, gemeenschappelijke veiligheid en duurzame ontwikkeling.